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About Us

Former NFL Players provide some of America’s greatest charity support. You will find them giving their time, energy and finances to help raise funds for worthwhile causes throughout the nation. Former NFL Players are members of a great fraternity who continue to serve their communities by “giving back” to others long after they have made their final walk from the field of play.

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Oklahoma Celebrity Charities Inc • PO Box 702357 • Tulsa, OK  74170

Jean Barrett: • Cell 918-629-7633

Facebook:  @KickoffCharity • Twitter:  @KickoffGala • Instagram:  @kickoffcharity

Our Mission

The Kickoff Classic Golf Tournament is a charity event made up of players helping players with the purpose of raising and donating the maximum amount of financial support for Oklahoma Public Schools’ coaches and athletic programs. The board consists of local community leaders partnering with the Oklahoma Former NFL Players Association. The event consists of over 40 former NFL Players and 100% of the proceeds go back into the Oklahoma High School Athletic programs. 

Our Mission

Schools We've Supported

Berryhill High School

Will Rogers High School (Tulsa)

Central High School (Tulsa) Miami High School

 Beggs High School

McLain High School (Tulsa)

Vian High School

Southeast High School (OKC)

NW Classen High School (OKC)

Hale High School (Tulsa)

East Central High School (Tulsa)

Verdigris High School

Gore High School

Webbers Falls High School

Douglass High School (OKC)

US Grant High School (OKC)

Southeast High School (OKC)

Make A General Donation to
Oklahoma High
 Schools Athletic Programs




Kickoff Classic Charity Golf Tournament

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